So despite the fact that the contractors are not even finished with the plumbing or electrical work, I’ve been moderately obsessed about new renovation projects. Can this be healthy? Or maybe the old pet smells have finally gotten to me?
Week 8: There’s Electricity in the Air
The electrical work has begun! This past week has seen progress on the electrical front. Stuff is getting wired in. Recessed light cans have been installed. New wiring has been strung around. Some outlets and switches got new wiring too. Continue reading Week 8: There’s Electricity in the Air
This is My Jamb
The past week hasn’t been about any insights nor profound thoughts. It was simply about the contractor doing their thing and me obsessing about the next projects when I finally do get to move in and have all my tools out of storage. Continue reading This is My Jamb
Week 6: That’s Communication!
In any human endeavor that involves more than one person, communication is key to success. Every now and then, communication break down and slows progress. Continue reading Week 6: That’s Communication!
Week 5: The Money Pit
The past week has confirmed that this is one of the crazier things that I’ve done. I’m big on planning. I don’t really rush into things without a game plan. But this whole buying a fixer upper thing has definitely been outside of my comfort zone. Continue reading Week 5: The Money Pit