The past week has confirmed that this is one of the crazier things that I’ve done. I’m big on planning. I don’t really rush into things without a game plan. But this whole buying a fixer upper thing has definitely been outside of my comfort zone. Continue reading Week 5: The Money Pit
Monthly Archives: April 2014
Week 4: The Hero’s Journey
Lord of the Rings, The Odyssey, Star Wars. They all have a plot line that is common to all great stories. Continue reading Week 4: The Hero’s Journey
Week 3: BOOM Goes the Cannon
Week 3 finds me a bit impatient. I can see the vague outlines of my HGTV dreams coming true, but not fast enough. My brother-in-law framed it correctly, when he said (and I’m paraphrasing here), that he is living an HGTV show vicariously through me. But it’s not over in an hour. True. So true. Continue reading Week 3: BOOM Goes the Cannon